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Category Archives: French and Italian teacher

11 bonnes raisons d’apprendre l’italien

11 BONNES RAISONS D’APPRENDRE L’ITALIEN L’italien moderne descend du latin parlé, en particulier du toscan littéraire. L’exemple le plus ancien de l’italien moderne provient d’un registre naval du 12è siècle. Le dialecte toscan a ensuite évolué vers l’italien moderne, surtout parce que trois grands écrivains du Moyen-Âge (Dante, Boccace et Pétrarque) écrivaient dans ce dialecte. […]

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Method of language learning by the technique of total immersion

“It is by speaking that one learns to speak”   A method of language learning based on more than a century of experience.   The immersion method qualifies in six words:   Simple: Listen and repeat: you speak! Natural: It consists in creating a spontaneous reflex of thought and expression which completely immerse the student […]

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Italian Teacher / French Teacher – worldwide

You are a language school and you are looking for a western educated French and / or Italian Teacher ? Get the two in one! Plus, I am native speaker in both of them. Who I am Italian espatriate in France for 23 years, I hold the double nationality. Italian and French are both my native […]

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